Friday 10 October 2014

Vancouver Entrepreneurs Group: An Open Invitation

I took the definition of "entrepreneur" from Merriam Webster's dictionary and and combined the two and this is what it says, "A person who organizes, operates a business or businesses, and exercises initiative by organizing a venture to take benefit of an opportunity, taking greater than normal financial risks.

I never really thought of myself as an entrepreneur until now.  After I graduated from Langara College in Vancouver, I started working for the Royal Bank, at that time I thought I was going to be an employee forever, even after getting married and having children.  That changed quickly and I had the pleasure of staying at home to raise my three beautiful daughters.  Now, that I have remarried I am a self employed entrepreneur!!!!!!  Go figure.

I have so much to learn.  My husband, John and I both know the value of networking and creating connections.  With the Launch of the Vancouver Entrepreneurs Group on Tuesday, September 30 at the Firefighter's Public House, we now have a dynamic group to network with as well as a results oriented education portion during the 3 hour interactive meeting.   Ricky Shetty, Daddy Blogger was the MC and co-organizer, along with Dan "the Man" Lok was the Keynote Speaker, sharing his rags to riches story with the jam-packed room.  The room was buzzing with excitement, like something magical was going to happen.

Well, Ricky Shetty did an awesome job as the MC!  I love his passion for being a dad and entrepreneur.

Then, the moment we were all waiting for, Dan Lok.  He gave us so many insights and I'd like to share a few here:

Your business is a reflection of you.

No one can succeed in business alone.

80% Mindset and 20% Mechanics

Wealth is committing to one idea over time.

Here are the rules for the group:

1. BE YOURSELF, be the most powerful and most authentic that you can be.

2. NO Energy drainers allowed!

3. NO Excuses!

4. NO Bad Apples

He continued to give us advice that really hit home.  

Don't take advice on "How to get rich" from broke people.

Develop alligator skin and stop worrying about what people think of you.

Get a mentor

I love Dan's story of how he got his mentor.  If you join us, maybe he will tell it again!

Rosalyn Cua was the featured entrepreneur.  She is a foodie, writer, personal growth junkie, eco-friendly entrepreneur catalyst creating a more beautiful world.  She talked about people and compared them to apples.  The 4 types of apples:

1. Red apples are positive people and action takers which is on about 20% of the people we will meet.
2. Green apples are dreamers but not doers
3. The 3rd type of apples are the ones that are left to sit, the ones who turn brown because of inactivity.  They are the nay-sayers.  Do not not spend anytime with this type.
4. Rotten apples, need I say more?!?!

This is just a short summary of what I got out of the evening.  You will need to come and experience the Vancouver Entrepreneurs Group for yourself and see what results you get!  After the 3 hours of speakers and activities, John and I went downstairs for a drink with Dan and the others.  It was nice to chill and absorb what we learned and get to know the other entrepreneurs.  

What a magical evening of inspiration!  You won't want to miss the next one!  We meet every two weeks, so head on over to the and register and pay so you, too can experience the magic.  Oh, ya....I have homework to do (yes there is homework!!!)

Connect with me on Twitter (@shiatsuwife) or Facebook on my personal page or check out my business page

Would love to hear about your entrepreneurial adventures!
